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CAV Gallery Proudly Presents:
Tú Eres Tú: The final exhibition at @cav_gallery
The completion of a cycle.
July 7, 6-9pm
126 S Main St.
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Dorrell Bradford: @rrellirell
Maryssa Rose Chavez: @_mariposarosa
Marcus Xavier Chormicle: @chormicle
Nathan Cordova: @cordovaontheroad
Luis Corzo: @cor.zo
Alfonso Fonseca: @alfonsofonseca19
Eva Gabriella Flynn: @e.gflynn
Eric Hart, Jr.: @erichartjr
Ryan Ko: @ryan.tyko
Joe Librandi-Cowan: @joe_lc
Diego Medina: @daydreamboy
Gitzel Moncivais: @gitzchella
Saúl Ramírez: @basquache
Darby Raymond-Overstreet: @darby.r.overstreet
Saba: @sabawear
Tony Salazar: @santosincara
Carissa Samaniego: @carissasamaniego
Jade Thiraswas: @jadethiraswas
With special guest Cory Feder @yesolpictures
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